We Are Worth Much More
In the 1960’s dental insurance was instituted to help pay for dental work with an annual max of $1000, and if translated to today’s dollar the max would roughly be $6000 worth of benefits per year! The trend, as we have all experienced, is that insurance’s $1000 max has stayed the same and the dollar is worth less. Problems show up in the ever-decreasing benefits offered, in the idea that we should be limited to the treatment that they pay for, and in the desires of the insurance companies to dictate (by downgrades and denials) that you receive the lowest quality of materials, the lowest cost (and often quality) lab, the least esthetic restoration(silver rather than tooth-colored fillings), etc. We will always be a conservative and cost-conscious practice, and we will always customize your treatment plan for what is best for you. We will continue to use the best labs, the best materials, and the best esthetic choices as well as hire and retain the best employees. Staying in network with some dental insurances has become difficult given our stance of quality and exceptional care, and especially due to their decisions to decrease what they pay per procedure or refusal to negotiate to keep up with inflation(talk to your HR departments). To have dental insurance is a nicety and serves as a means of payment for dental services rather than a guideline for exceptional care. It is important that we all collectively wake up, realizing our bodies and care for our bodies is of the highest value and not to be governed or dictated by BIG third parties but rather by us. We have been trained over the course of our lives to rely upon insurances to protect us, but as I age, I have realized we haven’t valued ourselves highly enough: We have sold our attention, health, and emotional wellbeing to phone companies, for-profit insurance and drug companies to name a few. We are worth much more!!!!
JUST A THOUGHT TO CHEW ON If dental insurance was truly about the patient, would they do an interview with you and your dentist, consult your dental history, consider what you would need done in the future and subsequently create a coverage plan that would actually pay for what you need? Is it appropriate to consider dental insurance a glorified coupon that is good for only one or two products a year, because they have decided that is enough for you?